How to (Finally) Stop Friction When You Shave

Nothing like some Witch Hazel to keep razor burn at bay.

You'd think a blade and some cream's all it takes to shave well, but the difference between a good shave and the best, smoothest shave lies in friction—the less of it, the better for you.

Other things you don't want when shaving: Needless nicks, cuts and red, bumpy skin.

Dodge all the damage with our Supreme Glide Pre-Shave Formula, a veritable ender of friction. It also keeps redness away thanks to the witch hazel within.

How To Use It

  1. Splash some warm water on your face, neck and anywhere else you grow hair up there, like your cheeks.

  2. Towel dry your face, and pat, don't rub. Rubbing's a culprit when it comes to irritation.

  3. Massage a good amount of that pre-shave onto those aforesaid spots just before you apply your shave cream.

  4. Bonus Tip: Got stubble, but no time? Use this stuff on its own and you're good, promise.