Why We Didn't Do Black Friday This Year

We said it last year, and we'll say it again—we don't do Black Friday.

You might’ve wondered why you didn’t receive a Black Friday campaign from us this weekend.

If so, we didn't mean to disappoint. No joke. We get it’s that one day a year when your wallet can come up for air. Everyone’s bank account could use a good break.

We don't do Black Friday because it's just not us. We'd go into why it's not us, but we don't want to be that guy. We don’t want to judge anyone who likes Black Friday. That’s not our business.

Instead, we're going to donate a portion of our sales this weekend to the World Food Programme.

And either way, expect a little something in your inbox next week.

Think of it as a token of our appreciation.

Have a good week ahead, friends.